Obiettivi e Trofei


Ecco la lista Trofei per Playstation 3 di NBA Jam

trofeo_bronzoBronzo trofeo_argArgento trofeo_oroOro trofeo_pla Platino


    Raw Rookie trofeo_bronzo: Play a ranked game online.
    From Downtown trofeo_bronzo: Score 50% of your team's points while only shooting three pointers.
    Finger Roll trofeo_bronzo: Make 5 layups in a row without getting blocked.
    He's on Fire! trofeo_bronzo: Hit a buzzer beater while on fire.
    Burning trofeo_bronzo: Keep yourself or your teammate on fire until it exhausts by making 5 or more unanswered baskets.
    Wrecking Crew trofeo_bronzo: Beat Backboard Smash in under 2 minutes.
    First Time for Everything trofeo_arg: Win a ranked game online.
    Start to Finish trofeo_arg: Win an online ranked game while leading after each quarter.
    Iron Will trofeo_arg: Break the backboard in a Classic or Remix game with an alley oop!.
    Mojo trofeo_arg: Win a game with a layup buzzer beater.
    Double Up trofeo_arg: Beat the CPU by doubling their score in a Classic 2v2 or Remix 2v2.
    Atlantic Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Atlantic Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Central Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Central Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Northwest Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Northwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Pacific Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Pacific Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Southeast Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Southeast Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Southwest Division Represent trofeo_arg: Defeat the Southwest Division Legend Team in Classic Campaign.
    Eastern Conference Division trofeo_arg: Face the hidden boss after Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Eastern Conference.
    Western Conference Domination trofeo_arg: Face the hidden boss after Classic Campaign with a team from each division in the Western Conference.
    Too Late trofeo_arg: While losing by one point, go up for a game winning dunk and have time expire. You lose!
    Rolling trofeo_oro: Win 10 ranked games online.
    Clean Sheet trofeo_oro: Win a Classic or Remix game without letting the opposing team score.
    3 The Hard Way trofeo_oro: Beat the Beastie Boys in Remix Campaign.
    Triple Up trofeo_oro: Beat the CPU by tripling their score in a Classic 2v2 or Remix 2v2 game.
    Classical Campaign trofeo_oro: Defeat the hidden boss after completing Classic Campaign.
    NBA Domination trofeo_oro: Face the hidden boss after Classic Campaign with a team from each division.
    BOOMSHAKALAKA! trofeo_pla: Unlock all other Trophies.

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