Obiettivi e Trofei


Ecco la lista obiettivi per Xbox 360 di Gray Matter

Anche lui sa essere gentile
Parla della moto con Mrs. dalton
Bla bla bla
Riproduci 1.000 dialogi
Un atto di gentilezza
Metti tutti i fiori nei vasi
Partita veloce
Completa il gioco in meno di 5 ore
La materia grigia
Completa il gioco
La bestia dentro di te
Completa il gioco con tutti i punti bonus
Dovresti guadagnarci dei soldi
Esegui con successo il trucco del bicchierino e della pallina
Diviso e conquistato
Vinci il gioco "Divide et impera" senza perdere una sola mano

  {slide=Obiettivi Segreti (clicca per visualizzare)|closed|red}

A Plant in the House (20 G): Finished "A Plant in the House" Puzzle Set.
Setting a Trap (20 G): Finished "Setting a Trap" Puzzle Set.
There was Something in the Water (20 G): Finished "There was Something in the Water" Puzzle Set.
Memory of a Summer's Night (20 G): Finished "Memory of a Summer's Night" Puzzle Set.
A Message from Laura (20 G): Finished "A Message from Laura" Puzzle Set.
A Day in the Rowboat (20 G): Finished "A Day in the Rowboat" Puzzle Set.
What Happened the Day Before (20 G): Finished "What Happened the Day Before" Puzzle Set.
The Experiment (20 G): Finished "The Experiment" Puzzle Set.
C Railer Swoll (20 G): Finished "C Railer Swoll " Puzzle Set.
Psi and the Mind (20 G): Finished "Psi and the Mind" Puzzle Set.
The Events at Horspath Track (20 G): Finished "The Events at Horspath Track" Puzzle Set.
Sam plays Lab Assistant (20 G): Finished "Sam plays Lab Assistant" Puzzle Set.
Lambs for Dr. Styles (20 G): Finished "Lambs for Dr. Styles" Puzzle Set.
Houdini's habitat (20 G): Finished "Houdini's habitat" Puzzle Set.
Dread Hill House (20 G): Finished "Dread Hill House" Puzzle Set.
A Spectral Presence (20 G): Finished "A Spectral Presence" Puzzle Set.
Psi and Psi again (20 G): Finished "Psi and Psi again" Puzzle Set.
The Betrayer's Price (20 G): Finished "The Betrayer's Price" Puzzle Set.
Sam gets carded (20 G): Finished "Sam gets carded" Puzzle Set.
The Mysterious Dr. Styles (20 G): Finished "The Mysterious Dr. Styles" Puzzle Set.
Investigating the Lambs' Club (20 G): Finished "Investigating the Lambs' Club" Puzzle Set.
That Piece of Junk (20 G): Finished "That Piece of Junk" Puzzle Set.
Bittersweet Memories (20 G): Got your first memory flash.
Back to the Basics (20 G): Completed your very first magic trick.
Suspicions about Samantha (20 G): Finished "Suspicions about Samantha" Puzzle Set.
In the Lab (20 G): Finished "In the Lab" Puzzle Set.
Terror in the Dinning Hall (20 G): Finished "Terror in the Dinning Hall" Puzzle Set.
The Ghost of Dread Hill (20 G): Finished "The Ghost of Dread Hill" Puzzle Set.
Altering the Plan (20 G): Finished "Altering the Plan" Puzzle Set.
I'm Laura Styles! (20 G): Finished "I'm Laura Styles!" Puzzle Set.
In the Lion's Den (20 G): Finished "In the Lion's Den" Puzzle Set.
Where is She Now? (20 G): Finished "Where is She Now?" Puzzle Set.
The Game of Life (20 G): Finished "The Game of Life" Puzzle Set.{/slide}


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